Paçoca DAO workflow

3 min readJun 9, 2022


This proposal represents the Paçoca team’s suggestion for developing Paçoca as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Please note that this is a preliminary draft detailing precisely what this process CAN look like. It is subject to changes according to feedback from the Paçoca community, in the same way, that It’s altogether subjective for immediate execution.

Dear Paçoca lovers,

After our successful Sweet Vaults fee restructuring vote, we’re now proposing to move forward with our DAO entity. Similar to how the actual governance works, this workflow proposal demonstrates how the newest structure and DAO fund would be controlled and used.

The process, from the creation of the vote to the execution of itself, would be divided into three main phases:

Phase 1: Community feeling / Snapshot

The purpose of this phase would be to ask the community about a potential change in the project (example: “Should Paçoca increase the actual emission per block?”). Those discussions should be made in our feedback forum and labeled as “Community feeling — [Proposal].” A link to the snapshot poll should also be included in the forum post.

Voters use Snapshot to indicate their interest in bringing it forward to the next stage. Snapshot poll lengths should be set to 3 days. After ending, a majority vote with at least 15,000,000 $PACOCA yes-vote wins.

Phase 2: Community Consensus / Snapshot

The purpose of the “Community Consensus” phase is to establish formal discussions and apply improvements from feedback received on the potential “Community Feeling” proposal that was passed.

The idea is to use the feedback from phase 1 to improve the current proposal, creating a new snapshot and covering the most supported options. This poll should be set up to a five-day lenght and MUST HAVE a “Make no change” or similar option. A new topic in our forum should be created, labeled “Community Consensus — [Proposal], “ with a link redirecting to the new snapshot poll. Any topics specified in this phase that has not been approved in phase 1 will be immediately removed by moderators.

At the end of the five days, whichever option has more than 30,000,000 $PACOCA yes-vote will be eligible for our latest DAO phase.

Phase 3: DAO execution

This is the latest phase before execution. To be eligible for creating an official governance proposal, you must have:

  1. At least 1,000,000 $PACOCA delegated in your address;
  2. Been successfully approved by the community in the two previous phases.

Similar to the other phases, a new topic in our forum should be created, labeled as “DAO execution — [Proposal], with a link redirecting to the new snapshot poll. This poll should be set up to a seven-day length and MUST HAVE a “Make no change” or similar option. Whichever option by the end of that time with more than 50,000,000 $PACOCA votes will be executed.


  1. Proposals submitted during the DAO execution phase and proposals that dismissed these two requirements will be disqualified.
  2. If the most voted option is the “Make no changes” or similar, the proposal will be closed and ceased.
  3. Proposals closed by the “Make no change” or similar option must wait 7 weeks before reappearing or submission of another identical proposal is made.

Phase 3 proposals that include a contract deployment should meet the following:

  1. A pull request should be open at Paçoca’s official GitHub with the exact code of the contract.
  2. The contract needs to be audited by a top-tier agency.

Leave your feedback here to participate:

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Written by Paçoca

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