Paçoca Integrates Chainlink Keepers on BSC to Reliably Auto-Compound Its Sweet Vaults

3 min readDec 13, 2021


We’re thrilled to announce that Paçoca, a powerful DeFi Dashboard, is one of the first protocols to integrate Chainlink Keepers on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) mainnet. By leveraging Chainlink’s decentralized automation bots, Paçoca protocol can now reliably auto-compound its Sweet Vaults in a decentralized, trustless, and tamper-proof manner. Ultimately this simplifies the user experience, as users won’t need to manually make tractions to auto-compound their yield.

One of the main reasons we decided to integrate Chainlink is because it’s well known for being the most time-tested and secure oracle solution in the blockchain industry. With Chainlink Keepers, Paçoca can outsource its smart contract automation needs to the same professional DevOps teams known for securing Chainlink Price Feeds, which already feature $75B in Total Value Secured for leading decentralized applications. Moreover, Chainlink Keepers use off-chain computation and several gas-optimizing features for greater cost efficiency.

Improving the Paçoca Ecosystem Using Chainlink Keepers

Paçoca is a homepage for DeFi where users can track their investments in multiple projects in a single dashboard, make new investments, and swap tokens. Utilizing blockchain technology is at the heart of every DeFi project, and Paçoca believes in true decentralization. This can be seen with its DAO, which allows users to vote on major changes that happen on the Paçoca platform.

In order to fully decentralize its DeFi platform and create a trustless architecture, Paçoca needed a smart contract automation service with robust flexibility and security. After looking into different solutions, the Paçoca team found Chainlink to be the most provably reliable and time-tested service across Ethereum and BSC.

Some of the cutting-edge design features of Chainlink Keepers include:

  • High Uptime — Chainlink Keepers are run by the same professional DevOps teams that have an established on-chain performance history of providing highly reliable data to Chainlink Price Feeds during extreme network congestion and market volatility.
  • Low Costs — Chainlink Keepers have several gas-optimizing features that lower the costs of automating maintenance tasks for users, including a rotating node selection process to prevent gas price auction wars and stabilize costs.
  • Decentralized Execution — Chainlink leverages a decentralized and transparent pool of Keepers to help provide strong guarantees around secure contract automation, saving teams time and mitigating the risks around manual interventions or centralized servers.
  • Expandable Computation — Chainlink Keepers perform off-chain computations and generate calldata verifiable by smart contracts, allowing developers to build advanced, trust-minimized dApps at lower costs.

With approximately $51M of total value locked (TVL) and over 60,000 monthly users, the integration of Chainlink increases the tamper-resistance and reliability of the Paçoca protocol, effectively scaling the security of user funds to match the growing TVL. As a result, Paçoca now provides some of the highest yields on BSC and is one of its most secure solutions, creating a solid foundation for expanding support to include more assets and products in the future.

“Integrating Chainlink Keepers allows us to reliably and cost-effectively outsource regular DevOps tasks so our development team can stick to our core strength — writing great smart contracts. The result is our users being able to auto-compound yield in a set-and-forget manner, while our team can focus on expanding our core product offerings,” stated Peanuts from the Paçoca team.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or read the documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

About Paçoca

Paçoca is a portfolio tracker, DEX aggregator, and one of the highest APY auto-compounding yield aggregators on BSC through its unique technology called Sweet Vaults. Paçoca’s vision is to create a suite of complementary DeFi products that will operate in a harmonious ecosystem.

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